Therapeutic potential of stem cells

Therapeutic potential of stem cells
Master Biologie-santéParcours Recherche en biomédecine

Credits3 crédits


Basics on stem cells and cell engineering applications in different clinical areas, involved in cardiovascular, immunological and endocrine systems.
The lectures will be subdivided in 2 mains parts: after the presentation of the main properties of stem cells, a presentation and description of each main stem cell including their functional activities will be performed. The European regulatory context of clinical cell engineering will be presented. In a second part, different engineering applications will be presented including basic science, pre-clinical models and clinical transfer experiences. Special attention will be paid to the manufacturing of cells in a clinical setting to comply with Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product status,
Each teaching course of the second part will be composed of 1 h of lecture and 1 h of tutorial.
Tutorials will consist in the critical analysis of recent publications related to the topics of the lectures. Students will present the publication or part of a publication they had to study.

Compétences visées

Knowledge in different areas of basic and clinical research in cell engineering.

Modalités d'organisation et de suivi

  • 20 h teaching and 11 h tutorial sessions, encouraging multidisciplinary and cultural exchanges through the constitution of work groups.
  • Teaching slides, including those from tutorials, and when possible recordings will be provided.
  • Pedagogical games and during tutorials one short teaching (under supervision) by student groups will performed.
  • Evaluation: Written exam: 60 min with different questions on different topics covered in this teaching. Questions on the lessons but also figures from publications to explain or comment.


  • MOOC “Ingénierie cellulaire et tissulaire” from UL (plateform Fun, opening in May 2018)
  • General Immunology books
  • Cell biology books
Université numérique en santé et sport
Les Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
Agence régionale de santé
Centre d'étude et de conservation des oeufs et du sperme
Institut de cancérologie Strasbourg
Institut hospitalo-universitaire
Établissement français du sang
Association amicale des étudiants en médecine de Strasbourg
Mouvement des étudiant.e.s futur.e.s orthophonistes
Association strasbourgeoise des étudiants en Orthoptie
L'association Tutorat Santé de Strasbourg
Amicale des Étudiants Sages-Femmes d'Alsace
Réseau des Étudiants Soignants des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Fédération de médecine translationnelle de Strasbourg
Laboratoire des sciences de l'ingénieur, de l'informatique et de l'imagerie
Institut de génétique et de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire
Centre de recherche en biomédecine de Strasbourg - CRBS
Conférence des doyens des facultés de médecine
Faculté de sciences de la vie
Faculté de chirurgie dentaire
Faculté de pharmacie